No More Boring Chicken (NZD #20)

Lately I've been working on adjusting my diet to better suit my increased activity level as well as my increased age. Along with that, I made a very important decision. I decided that I was worth spending the extra money on chicken for meals during the week. The issue with chicken, at least for myself,... Continue Reading →

Be Mindful (NZD #14)

Do you ever come across a quote, song lyric, or book excerpt, just by chance, in your travels that perfectly describes what is going on in the world or what your thinking or experiencing at that point in time? You have power over your mind, not over outside events. Realize this and you will find... Continue Reading →

Let’s try this again (NZD #13)

Yesterday was a complete and utter failure, to do anything. It's the first day I've had since starting this journey where I didn't manage to do anything towards my goals. In fact, I managed to do the complete opposite. Saturday night I managed to meet up with my sister for a long over due hang... Continue Reading →

Spicy Black Bean Soup (NZD #11)

Yesterday I didn't have time to post because I was busy making.... Soup! Continuing on the theme from last week that was "I have too many odds and ends foods" in my fridge and pantry. It's probably good to clear some of it out before my mom loses it. I decided to make a soup.... Continue Reading →

Nailed It! (NZD #9)

Since it's been raining here, I've been using the treadmill to go for runs. And while it isn't considered as effective as an actual road run, there are some advantages to using one that I'm finding out. One advantage to using a treadmill is the ability to set a pace and maintain it without thinking... Continue Reading →

Fore! (NZD #8)

They finally opened a golf course here! And while it is very different from last year and the clubhouse is not open for après golf libations, it was still great to go out and take part in some kind of normalcy again. My brain feels a little more put together now than it has in... Continue Reading →

Cinco de Mayo (NZD #7)

Fun Fact; Cinco de Mayo is the anniversary of the Mexican army's victory over the French empire at the battle of Puebla in 1862. Today however it is most commonly associated with a celebration of Mexican-American culture. While celebrating with margaritas and tacos is not in my plans today I hope those of you that... Continue Reading →

New Week, New You! (NZD #6)

Well, yesterday I didn't manage to get a blog post up but that doesn't mean that I wasn't doing something. It rained all day yesterday as well. I went for a run but only got about 5 km into it before I decided that here might be a good time to quit, otherwise I would... Continue Reading →

Sunny Saturday (NZD #4)

Well, it's Saturday. And in another life that would have meant something. But I guess it's just another day now. I've been running for a while now, and before this whole mess hit, I was tossing around the idea of maybe working towards running a 10k race this summer. Now that that's out of the... Continue Reading →

Falafel Friday (NZD #3)

It's Friday today. And that means that it is a day for me to make a new recipe that I would like to try. I feel as though I am not the only one that goes through this, but I'm starting to find that my cupboards are getting full with left overs from other cooking... Continue Reading →

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