Exploring Local: OEB

I don't think I need to say this again, but if I could eat brunch every day for the rest of my life, I would die happy. This means that you all will get to see a lot of breakfast and brunch locations around town. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Especially... Continue Reading →

Exploring Local: Bro’kin Yolk

Sometimes the simple things in life are the ones that leave the most lasting impressions on you. The same could be said for food. Bro'kin Yolk is an excellent example of this. They opened their doors in 2015 with a location up in Symons valley but their farm to table inspired menu has allowed them... Continue Reading →

Next Level Chicken Soup

"The trees are about to show us, how lovely it is to let the dead things go"-Unknown Summer certainly took a sharp turn here this year. Within 48 hours we went from sunny and 35 degrees to rainy and 15. The sun is starting to set earlier and is gone behind the horizon by 8pm.... Continue Reading →

Leek and Potato Soup

There are two things that I miss about Estonia. All of my wonderful friends, and predictable seasons. Saturday it was 23 degrees. Then 5cm of snow and 0 degrees on Sunday with the rest of the week looking to be about the same. Having grown up here, I'm used to not really truly getting a... Continue Reading →

(Vegetable) Soup For the Soul

“Anyone who tells a lie has not pure heart, and cannot make good soup.”― Ludwig van Beethoven I love soup. This is no secret. Anyone who has every spoken to me about food will know this. In the last 6 months, soup has also become a very big part of my diet and I don't think... Continue Reading →

Lemon Pepper Chicken Thighs

I'm extra excited about this meal! Not to date myself, but many, many years ago, as a young woman with a serious lack of cooking knowledge, I decided to give chicken thighs a go. They're cheap and a great source of protein so I figured I would be able to eat well and also save... Continue Reading →

Chicken Tikka Masala

With our COVID numbers holding steady here in the province, the government has unsurprisingly extended their provincial health measures. This means another two weeks where I will have nothing but time on my hands. With this extension, I would be lying if I said that this second lock down wasn't starting to get to me.... Continue Reading →

Beef and Barley stew

Old man winter has come and settled over us finally. The days are short and my inspirational urges to write, even shorter. The only reasonable way to make it through these long winter months is to make soup and stew, and a lot of it. Beef and barley stew is usually a hit or miss... Continue Reading →

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